Sunday, March 27, 2016

EU quiz winners from Kamenica start their EU journey (27/06/2011)

Five students of Kamenica primary school 'Avni Rrustemi', winners of the Kosovo wide EU quiz contest, sponsored by the EU, have left Pristina today on an 11-day bus trip throughout Europe. The children will travel through 11 European countries, most of them EU member states, including some countries that are aspiring to become members. The students would get first hand impressions of the benefits and challenges that the EU accession entails.

 The group will travel to Brussels and Strasbourg, where they will meet with representatives of EU institutions, via Sveti Stefan, Dubrovnik, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Salzburg, Munich and Maastricht. On the way back they will stop at EuroDisney and in Paris, Bologna and Bari where they will catch a ferry to Durres and then back to Pristina via Tirana.

On their departure from Pristina, children were wished a safe trip by Mr Khaldoun Sinno, acting Head of the EC Liaison Office to Kosovo:
"On 6th of May when I was present in the finals of the EU quizzes and witness a very tough competition among different schools from throughout Kosovo, I was amazed! So much enthusiasm to learn and so many efforts to participate that it was very hard to see only one team as a winner.”
“I hope you will witness, learn and record many interesting things that you can bring back as a message to Kosovo. Your friends will be eager to hear directly from you about Europe and its new and old states."

A filming crew made of two young Kosovo film makers will accompany them throughout the journey, recording children's experiences. Three reports on progress of the trip will be aired on RTK's morning show at the end of June and at the beginning of July. A documentary of the entire trip will be presented in the autumn.

The aim of the Europe Quiz is to encourage young people to learn more about their EU neighbours, how Kosovo fits into its wider European setting and what Kosovo must do to ensure their future prosperity. EU will organize another round of Europe Quiz in the next school year and the aim is to make the Europe Quiz a traditional yearly event throughout Kosovo schools.

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